Genuine Guest Reviews - Beach Motel

The following guest reviews are submitted by guests after their stay at the Beach Motel. These reviews are the opinions of the guest that reflect their experience at this property.

2 Authentic Reviews from Our Guests

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Guest Room 100%
Service 100%
Value 100%
Cleanliness 100%
Location 100%
Comfort 100%

Rating based on all 2 guest reviews


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Flag USA
January 12, 2024

"A Hidden Gem”

We really enjoyed our stay at The Beach Motel. It s a little hidden gem if you are looking for an affordable place to stay that is clean and convenient. The location is actually pretty cool--there are some neat cafes and you can enjoy the sunsets at the beach. I d recommend the Beach Motel if you are looking for a solid place to stay away from Downtown and its crazy rates. - Devon, Bakersfield

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